On September 2-6, 2019, the 62nd Scientific Congress of the Polish Chemical Society was held at the Faculty of Chemistry at the Warsaw University of Technology. An important element of the conference was the session "Meeting with the industry 2019", co-organized by the Institute of Applied Research of the Warsaw University of Technology and the Faculty of Chemistry of the Warsaw University of Technology as part of the Innovation Incubator 2.0 project financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The Institute of Applied Research of the Warsaw University of Technology together with the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management of the Warsaw University of Technology and PIAP-Scientech, as part of the "Innovation Incubator 2.0" program financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, support the commercialization of selected ventures - the results of research work whose authors are PW employees and the law industrial property belongs to the University.

On October 16-17, 2019, during the 10th Mazovia Development Forum, the Institute of Applied Research of the Warsaw University of Technology together with the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer of the Warsaw University of Technology will present interesting technologies and innovative solutions developed by spin-off companies established at the University. The following companies and companies will present their achievements and work results: BIOTmi, Materials Care, Eco Bean, Uniq.

Please be advised that the deadline for the submission of applications for support for pre-implementation work under the "Innovation Incubator 2.0" program has been extended to June 7, 2019.

We invite all theoreticians and practitioners involved in the design, construction and operation of hydrotechnical facilities to participate in the 18th International Conference on Technical Control of Water Dams - Monitoring and safety of hydrotechnical constructions.
The conference will take place on September 10-13, 2019 at the Aparthotel Czarna Góra (Biała Woda) conference and training center in the Kłodzko Valley.

ChipCraft sp.z o.o., one of the spin-off companies of the Warsaw University of Technology, will be among the exhibitors of the largest and most important telecommunications fair in the world.